Renew speech, revive swallow, and reclaim voice.

LISAN Speech, Swallow, & Voice Therapy offers services addressing the following concerns in an adult population.

  • Speech

    A motor speech disorder (dysarthria, apraxia) refers to difficulty with pronunciation due to poor muscle control in the face, lips, and/or tongue.

  • Swallow

    A swallow disorder (dysphagia) refers to difficulty chewing, controlling, or swallowing food, liquid, or even pills.

  • Voice

    A voice disorder (dysphonia) refers to changes in vocal quality resulting in abnormal pitch, loudness, or sound.

  • Language & Cognition

    A language disorder refers to problems with speaking, understanding, reading, and/or writing. A cognitive disorder refers to problems with attention, memory, and executive function skills.

  • Stuttering

    Stuttering, or a fluency disorder, refers to difficulty maintaining smooth, free-flowing speech.

  • Vocal Cord Dysfunction & Chronic Cough

    Vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) refers to difficulty breathing, particularly upon inhalation. Chronic cough is dry and habitual in nature.

  • Testimonials

    “I’ve always struggled with poor voice quality, and I’ve always been a quiet talker. I also have a very active job as a nurse in a busy outpatient surgical setting where I am constantly talking with patients, and was finding myself struggling to keep up in terms of vocal quality. It was starting to impact my quality of life, and I was referred to vocal therapy by my doctor. That’s when I met Asra. Warm, friendly, and an excellent listener, she quickly knew what I was dealing with and had an amazing treatment plan for me. She not only helped my voice, she helped me gain confidence when I speak, and I now find myself to be a better overall conversationalist. I was truly impressed with how well the vocal therapy helped.”
    ~ Anonymous Client

  • Testimonials

    “I owe Asra a great deal of gratitude. She pushed me to enhance my ability to swallow. In addition, she recognized my effort and recommended me for the McNeill protocol, which specializes in improving one’s swallow ability. Asra is the consummate professional who is exceptional in her field.”
    ~ Dennis Malchow

  • Testimonials

    “Asra has been a huge source of help and support since my stroke. I had a stroke over a year ago and struggle with right-side brain dysfunction. This consists of memory loss, cognitive loss, visual loss, social communication problems, and other skills that impair my day-to-day life. Asra has, and continues to provide me with therapy with her wealth of knowledge that I use to function in the real world. Asra has given me tools that allow me to be more confident so I can assimilate back into society. With her help, I feel I have a more functional and productive life.”
    ~ Anonymous Client